Weekend plans?

You saw this just in time

read time 4 minutes

Hello posse, welcome to Posana.

Real quick! Before we jump into today’s topic I wanted to welcome you to this community. This is a newsletter where I aim to bring you a 4-minute read every week to help you build your healthy life. Just 4 minutes, that’s all you need.

Today’s quick bites:

  • Enjoy Your Weekends Without Guilt

  • Tips for Success

  • What I’ve been trying this week

When Wednesday hits, I tend to start thinking about how I want my weekend to look. Everyone has different goals for their weekends, to go out, to reset, to lay around and do nothing. For me, I rotate between all three depending on how my week has been. As an extrovert, I do try to spend this time talking to people and leaving my house. However, when choosing to go out or lie around all day, how can we indulge without feelings of guilt?

I am a strong believer in the 80/20 rule. This approach helps prevent feelings of deprivation and makes it easier to stick to a healthy lifestyle in the long term. Not to mention you won’t be that person in the group who won’t even have a glass of wine…or two.

Enjoy your Weekends Without Guilt

What does 80/20 look like for me?

  1. Enjoyment:

    My weeks tend to all look the same healthwise. On my weekdays I am pretty structured in workouts and eating three nutritious meals a day. Although on the weekends all structure gets thrown out the door. If I want to have two large meals that day, okay. If I want to go out and eat a meal twice as large I maybe should’ve then that’s okay as well. Allow yourself to indulge knowing that you put in the work M-F.

I think people are surprised to see the way that I let myself eat and enjoy on the weekends. I tend to get a lot of “That doesn’t look like what a dietitian would eat”.

  1. Listen to your body:

    If you are craving that burger and fries, go ahead. Remember, it’s part of your 20%. If you have the energy to go outside all day and want to stay active the weekend is a great time to do so. You can use that time to play a sport/take a hot yoga class with some friends, etc. This way you are hitting your social and health buckets at the same time.

On a perfect weekend, I would hit a golf range and eat out with a friend afterward. A great way to relax, stay active, and socialize all in one.

  1. Hydrate:

    I added this tip because it is one I tend to forget on the weekends. I am always carrying a bottle with me on the weekdays, drinking tons of water during my workouts, however on the weekends as I mentioned before, my structure goes away. If you can relate to this, this is a reminder for you and I both. Always have that bottle of water with you.

If you are still trying to master what 80/20 looks like for you/trying to establish long-term health habits consider reaching out to a dietitian who can help you create goals that work for you.

Tips For Success:

  • Hydrate: like stated before.

  • Sleep: Try to maintain a consistent sleep schedule. Weekends are a perfect time to catch up on sleep. Also, note that adequate rest is crucial for your overall health and can help you make better food and activity choices.

  • Mindful eating: Pay attention to your hunger and fullness cues. Eat slowly and savor your food, which can prevent overeating.

What I’ve been trying this week:

  • Had a workout date- I think that encouraged me to lift way heavier than I normally would (in hopes of impressing of course), was sore for two days after.

  • Had a restful weekend last week after months of being on the go.

Cheers to a healthy, happy weekend to come!


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