Healthy Hustle

Balancing the Grind and Wellness

read time 4 minutes

Hello posse, welcome to Posana.

Real quick! Before we jump into today’s topic I wanted to welcome you to this community. This is a newsletter where I aim to bring you a 4-minute read every week to help you build your healthy life. Just 4 minutes, that’s all you need.

Today’s quick bites:

  • Tips on making healthy food choices while eating out.

  • The go-to guide for prioritizing health amid chaos.

  • What I’ve been trying this week

A bit of background. We the people…are busier than ever. We have jobs we want to excel at, and family and friends to prioritize, where does prioritizing our health fit into this? Personally, as much as I want to cook at home and understand how good it is for my health. The majority of the time I don’t have time for that. It takes planning and time to cook at home every day. This week I found myself having to eat out a lot more than I would want. It seems to be the reality for many people my age. I have somewhat mastered how to stay healthy while eating out. It is all about choices. Food choices are endless when you have menus such as the Cheesecake Factory that exists. It’s more about staying strong, and making the right choice because your future self will thank you.

Here is a quick guide.

Tips on making healthy food choices while eating out.

Recently there has been a huge surge in healthier fast-casual food options. With chains such as Flower Child, Sweetgreen, Cava, Just-salad, and Pura Vida (if you live in South Florida); it’s a great step. Just like anything in life, it’s how you approach it. You can’t go so far wrong when choosing what to eat from these types of restaurants. But here are a few tips on what to look out for so you are not adding an excessive amount of extra calories.

  • Go for the lighter dressing option on a salad (choose oil/vinegar-based dressings rather than dairy ones)

  • Don’t let juice fool you into thinking it’s good for you. A cup of juice can have up to 20-25 grams of sugar, similar to the amount found in sodas.

    • Instead have a smoothie, where the added fiber will ensure a slower uptake of sugar in your body.

  • Lastly, when choosing a protein choose leaner proteins like chicken and fish. If you have the option to choose the way it is prepped go for grilled, baked, pan-seared, rather than fried.

Go-to Guide for Prioritizing Health amid Chaos.

Practical tips without compromising your time.

Meal prep like a KING/QUEEN:

-Why it’s important: Meal prepping helps save time and ensures that you have a meal ready during those times you are tempted by fast foods.

-How to start: Dedicate a couple of hours on the weekends to prepare meals for the week. Invest in good quality containers and plan a balanced menu.

Small/snacky lunch to AVOID post-meal fatigue:

-Why it’s important: Eating smaller, more frequent meals (~every 2-3 hours) can help maintain steady energy levels throughout the day… ever felt like you wanted to take a nap or slumped after eating lunch? Try this instead:

-How to start:

  1. Protein-packed snacks: protein helps maintain energy levels and keeps you fuller longer.

    1. Greek yogurt with nuts, hard-boiled eggs, and protein shake.

  2. Don’t forget to include your micronutrients: Fruits and vegetables add fiber helping with maintaining blood sugar levels so you don’t experience a “crash”.

    1. Easy to grab fruits such as bananas, oranges, and apples. Cut vegetables with hummus.

  3. Healthy fats: fats support brain function

    1. Nuts and seeds, olives, small portion of cheese.

  4. Stay hydrated: dehydration can cause fatigue and reduce concentration

    1. Water, sparkling water, herbal teas, my fav…an olipop midday to keep me going.

Sneak in exercise:

-Why it’s important: Regular physical activity boosts energy and reduces stress.

-How to start: Take a 15-20 min walk in the morning before work, take the stairs any chance you can get, try walking meetings where you and a coworker walk around the building while conversing, trying to get a workout in right when you get off work.

What I’ve been trying this week:

  • Started the book Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity by Dr Peter Attia and Bill Gifford.

  • Got a facial from Silver Mirror Facial Bar (highly recommend)


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